i better be honest. i better tell the truth about the circumstances regarding the situation. >> actually, parker, you wrote this story, we were quoting a minute ago about what's taking place behind the scenes, the mov mood of the president, what people are seeing there, so in relation to this issue of the tapes, it looks like this grievance trump had in mind, fbi comey told him you weren't under investigation. he thinks he got him to say it. i don't know if that's true or fought. >> that seems to be where he is coming from on that. but in terms of your report, that sour mood, a more sour tan your associates, his friends can recall seeing, those venting sessions, give us a sense beyond this issue here of what he thought comey did to him, what itself the bill of grievances? what are the things he is venting about, in particular? >> sure. well, broadly, he is venting about russia, and he basically feels it is this dark storm