do you think he helped himself fl a legal perspective with the tweet today. >> i think from the tweet today he is trying to say there is nothing there. fwu actually makes the earlier tweet all the more suspect, the fact he tried to intimidate comey by suggesting that there were tapes then this goes to the question of what was his intent? was he trying to get comey to shut up? is that part of the pattern of trying to obstruct the investigation itself. >> mick aire is kind of enough to talk about this in terms of i understand. is he trying to get comey to shut up that tampering with a witness. >> if you look at the statute on obstruction of justice it says who ever makes a threatening communication to in effect disrupt a federal investigation is guilty of an offense. in this case the threatening communication -- there were several one obviously bringing comey to oval office and saying you got to audition for your job again even though statutorily you can fbi director for a daerkd. there were several other times he reached out to him ultimately