17, 2017. donald trump has at long last become predictable. the moment a washington figure pops up to challenge him he knocks him over. first it was james comey, fbi director. trump wanted comey to bow to him or bow out. when he refused to bow, trump knocked him over. he didn't even bother calling the man to say he fired him. robert mueller dared to take up the investigation. soon word began oozing from the white house the president didn't like him. thghte was too close to comey or was that he s too serious in hiring top criminal prosecutors? in either case, trump soon made it clear he wanted mueller out. now trump is beating the trum or tweeting at dawn for the head of rod rosenstein, head of deputy attorney general he used to fire comey, or used as an excuse to fire comey. we see the pattern. you get a job investigating trump did the, you find your job is in jeopardy. there is a directions to all this, an arrow pointing in an historic directions. it's called the saturday night

Related Keywords

It ,Russia Probe ,Doesnt Work In Washington ,James Comey ,Fbi ,Figure ,Wanted Comey ,17 ,2017 ,2017 Donald ,President ,Watergate Investigation ,Fire Robert Mueller ,White House ,Oman ,Didn T ,Bow ,Thghte ,Rod Rosenstein ,Prosecutors ,Case ,Tweeting ,Head ,Hes Too ,Mueller Out ,Trum ,T Fire Comey ,Job ,Pattern ,Saturday Night Massacre ,Excuse ,Directions ,Jeopardy ,This ,Arrow ,

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