until you walk in my shoes and did this, you can't tell what it's like, man. it's hard. doing time is hard. >> during his time at wabash, wright says he's felt vulnerable because of the color of his skin. >> other prisons i've been at, it's more hispanics and blacks, you know what i mean, but this is a heavily populated white prison. it's a culture shock. >> but not every inmate at wabash is concerned with maintaining a racial divide. adrian davis and tim harris have found some common ground. particularly when it comes to personal style. davis regularly helps harris figure out what to do with his afro-like hair. >> it's harder braiding white dude's hair than black guys. so i've got to part it certain ways and put more rubber bands in it to hold it. >> my hair's only been growing for five months, so i've only got it braided two or three times. it's starting to get to the length where i want it. probably in another month or so,