campaign volunteers who are going to have to have legal fees despite receiving no compensation. but because they had exposure to things that will get them called for questioning? >> yeah, which is sort of a sad side to all of this. even lower level staffers at the white house will likely have to lawyer up. probably anyone who rode on a plane with michael flynn during this election. that's the way the special counsel probes work, especially when the questions are as broad as they are here, when there are as many people involved. the tentacles kind of stretch out. it's unfortunate that lot of people who probably had very little to do with the russians and didn't have any meetings that they didn't report are going to have to ep up larry king lawyering up because of all of this. >> i want to thank jemile smith, matt nussbaum, both of you for joining us tonight for our conferring. terrific segment. thank you both gentlemen. we'll be right back, the