remarkable about the lawyer's statement as well was not just that, but it was also confirmation of some parts of comey's testimony, including the idea that the president encouraged him to investigate potential satellite associates of his. >> yes. >> so, no, i mean that is a -- but where i think the president's lawyer locked himself into a trap is that he wants to parse -- basically the stuff that seems exculpatory to the president, he says, yeah, look, comey, yes. the stuff that is less than exculpatory to the president, no, no, that was a lie, that didn't happen. i don't know if the president's lawyer did him many favors by essentially confirming half of comey's testimony and then disputing half of it. it almost -- he brings it up, and he makes it, i think, even more important. then of course it sets up who is washington going to believe? who are these republicans at