coming is james comey's testimony and we know what that's going to do to the news that day. he's in negotiations, apparently, with the special prosecutor discussions, discussions with the special prosecutor about public testimony and what he may or may not be able to do by way of public testimony. how do you expect that to be resolved. >> well, look, i think that sooner or later he'll reach with bob mueller and we'll hear from director comey. i think the question will be whether or not president trump tries to exert some kind of executive privilege to silence director comey. it's worth going back to michael comey on this point. we talked about the phrase "attorney-client privilege" the client has the privilege. in the end, donald trump will decide what michael cohen shares or doesn't share with the senate committee. that's a decision that will rest on donald trump's desk. so, you know, all roads lead back to the president and whether or not he's doing to cooperate with these informations or ultimately going to stonewall them. >> and, ron, what is the nature