the bed rock of our judicial system you're innocent until proven guilty. until proven he did that or calculatedly did that based on media reports we should give him the benefit of the doubt. >> your reaction to the news that president trump is letting his communications director go. do you think he should go further and let more people? >> here's the thing, this role, this is something that is a highly stressful role, 18 hours a day, and, you know, i don't know, i think president trump right now has a serious problem within the white house and the biggest problem is that people don't -- certain people don't believe in him and certain people believed in president obama and they've stuck around and making his agenda very hard. what he needs to do is he needs to use his plans that he's put forth to paul ryan, use the communication platform he has with 25 million on twitter and through the media and press conferences to start holding congress accountable to pass his agenda. they're not doing that. unfortunately, it always is going to come back to the man at the top which is president trump. >> then are you interested in going to work in his