because his name appeared on the flight manifest in abu dhabi before his plane took off. and so -- i don't know, again, i don't really quite understand the reason for the secrecy here with some of these engagements. later, keep in mind, the crown prince of abu dhabi is the host for that meeting in the seychelles that arab prince attends. officials told us the meeting in new york, which did not take place at trump tower, it took place at another location in new york. this subject of having this meeting in the third country did not come up. >> right. >> but you know -- anyways, that remains to be fully reported out. but the -- certainly there have been -- there were other contacts that were not being publicly disclosed and which were for some reason being cloaked. such as that uae meeting that i just mentioned. in addition to the kislyak communication. >> right. as you say, some of that is now of "investigative interest." because of the nature and the approach to it. there are scoops, and then there are scoops.