marketplace is. >> you've heard the criticisms of the cbo this morning and that is, well, when we look at the cbo scoring from before during obamacare, those weren't accurate either. how would you respond to those criticisms? >> well, it turns out that they were mostly accurate but not in the same time frame that was initially known. there was said to be significant growth in the number of people insured and, in fact, 20 million americans do not have insurance as a result of the affordable care act. a little slower an initially, obviously the rollout and it was rough and understandably so with the scope that was attempted at that time. eventually it got in place and in many parts of the country it's working very, very well. but we need to do more. we clearly need to shore up some of the holes. for example, it's just outrageous that the law passed by the republicans back in 2003