that knew him for over a decade, it was subtle but i knew immediately he was inside that bubble and he had changed. and i will say there are a lot of things in donald trump that i have seen and other people that have known him for a decade that don't recognize him now. >> definitely caught up in the trappings. after the ribbon cutting ceremony where he got the health care bill through the house and said i'm the president. he's fond of showing the diet coke button on his desk in the oval office and all the things that come with the presidency. >> let's hope that's the only red button he ever pushes, but go ahead. >> exactly. i think it was too much to ask to think that donald trump was going to change and would bring in these people who could suddenly steer him and tell him who to be at any given moment. this is donald trump. this is, as george will said, what people voted for. he will do what he thinks is right, come hell or high water, even if a plan is put together