donald trump's campaign aides and russian operatives, which is notable that jeff sessions is playing a role in that given the fact we know he pledged to recuse himself from anything involving the russia investigation. the white house appoints an acting fbi director's comments just a matter of days ago saying there were in his words no effort to impede the russia investigation. chris? >> ann, let me go back to you. i wonder what you make of this by burr who obviously is a key person, as we look at this russia investigation. and he's saying the burden is on the "the new york times." >> yeah, i mean, i think that -- we don't know the whole of what burr said here, but i mean clearly that will be the impulse among trump supporters and probably many republicans in general just to say, look, here's something that "the new york times" said happened. but we want to see it written down. the answer to that will -- the