testimony where he confirmed that they had some active investigation going on with his campaign. that's the only time he did that, and director comey is particularly careful, as we just heard with his words. he's not going to make these statements which put him in a position of his own compromise. >> given comey's level of skill in navigating this that you have identified, matt, and it's really a remarkable thing to go back and look at his 2007 testimony when he talked about that famous night at the bed of john ashcroft. he has an ability to preserve his reputation amidst many controversial things. what do you anticipate the next chapter of this story is? >> well, i mean, look what we've seen in just the last 24 hours. we've already seen leaks about this loyalty request. we've already seen leaks about the request for the dinner came from trump. we've seen a number of pieces of information already. but i think given -- look, he does like the spotlight. that's one thing about him that i think people in both parties