to work for the man? i get that but the truth is if you know what this man and woman were like, you would want to be part of this. hey guys thank you for hard you have been working. you have been killing it. you are one of the things that i have in mind when i tell the american people look, don't freak out, right, let us do our work. thank you for that. >> that was from a show called inside the fbi on u.s.a. network that airs thursdays at 10:00 p.m. and that comes close to portraying the james comey a lot of his associates know. this is what donald trump said about james comey yesterday. >> look, he's a showboat. he's a grand stander. the fbi has been in turmoil, you know that. i know that. everybody knows that. >> comments like that from president trump about james comey cannot sit well with his defenders or the more than 36,000 employees and the 56 field offices of the fbi. we learned yesterday from