conservative christian leaders back in 2004 who said, you know, we're all going to get behind george w. bush, but if he doesn't deliver the rollbacks on abortion rights and gay rights that he promised us, there's going to come a time where we're going to turn on the republican party. we want these things done. donald trump came in and he said he's going to roll back the johnson amendment. he can't do it, right? only congress can do it. but if you go through and talk about 401 wu1 c 3s not able to politic. talking about it is a signal to the voters that unlike george w. bush, who was a methodist, he's going to govern like he issage evangelical christian, right? >> well, you know -- >> i agree with that. >> e.j. and then katon. >> i was struck by a couple of things. first, this executive order was so weak contentless, that it evoked that aclu press release, have they ever announced