social sizthr losses and privatize their gains and those those are things i still don't like about the product. >> i do believe we need to reach a conclusion because we promised the american people and i promised the people of arizona we'd repeal and replace obamacare. >> at the end of the day, i think there will be a senate bill and those two bills at some point will have to come together. >> joining us now, representative steve kohn who voted against trumpcare. he has a pre-existing condition as a polio survivor. thanks for joining me. >> happy to be with you. >> so you saw how some senators reacted to the health care vote this week. what was your reaction? >> i thought it was one of the most mean and cruel, harmful things that congress has ever done. they repealed a bill that gave a lot of people health care, will take 24 million people off of health care, will give a billion