aboard the uss intrepid, capping a day that marked his first legislative victory with health care. but democrats smell blood in the water. here's a look at how the vote and the victory lap played out today. >> we are moving out of conference. we'll go to the floor. we will have a two vote series where the bill will pass are somewhere around 1:30 today. >> this bill makes some important changes to how americans get quality affordable health insurance. >> tens of thousands of americans will die if this bill passes. that's a fact. >> it guarantees coverage for those with pre-existing illnesses. >> my republican colleagues would like you to believe that they are going to cover preexisting seasons, and that is just not true. >> you vote for this bill, you have walked the plank from moderate to radical. >> end this failed experiment. let's make it easier for people to afford their health insurance. let's give people more choices