when you look at that much money coming out of the health care system, you look at those changes, there is no question that more people, many millions of people will not have health insurance. it'll be less reliable. the people who really feel this will be people with lower incomes and people with serious medical conditions. basically, the people you really want to be helping in a health care system. >> so we're looking at a graphic there of the $8 billion. that caused a lot of the republicans who were noes to turn to yes. that still leaves a huge shortfall of about $192 billion. in the meantime, you've written that obamacare does have some fundamental flaws. there is a big front page article in one of the major newspapers today that talks about the problems in iowa. so where do we go with this? if there are these fundamental problems, if there are states where -- and certainly areas where there's only one choice for an insurer, where could this possibly go that it could actually do some good?