front of other inmates, laudone has made that hard to do. >> that's not how you handle things. you don't walk into the sergeant's office and point at other inmates and say them are the bad guys there. go arrest them. that's not how you handle things. not in a prison setting. i don't think he realizes how much peril he put himself in. >> holloman, wright, and laudone, himself, were immediately locked up in administrative segregation. after questioning holloman, gang intelligence coordinator lieutenant jim fox now moves on to the alleged assailant, jason wright. >> you probably know why you're here, huh? >> i don't, actually. >> you don't have any idea? why were you locked up? >> why was i locked up? >> why did you miss super bowl? >> i don't know. >> come on, dude. guess. give me your best educated guess. >> they didn't want me to see the game? >> that wasn't a good guess. that wasn't a good guess. >> no?