are ways in which in the -- in the campaign finance world like laws and norms both kind of operate and they reenforce each other in different ways and i wonder the degree which you as a reporter in this field feel like we're seeing an anomaly because it's so different than what we've seen before or just an alteration in shift in norms that this will now be like -- oh, i'm going to hire my son. i'm a senator, i'm -- you know, my daughter is going to be a chief of staff. >> i think we're seeing a permanent change in norms. i was back when it was hugely scandalous for hillary clinton to have a policy role in the clinton white house. and now we have that times a million. it's not appropriate, we shouldn't do that it would look bad and those are the kind of things that president trump has decided he doesn't care about and are unimportant to the american people in his view and he's gotten rid of them and said so what. that latter one is part of the issue too. i thought this was very good. donald trump's first is hundred days have been a money making