those things. we can easily figure that out, how did he get a security clearance. >> peter baker, that's the question, how did he gets a security clearance. the second, obviously trump administration saw something wrong with this guy and let hill go. why did we have sean spicer dragging his feet on full disclosure when they knew this guy was bad news. >> they fired him. >> got rid of him. >> fired him after he was national security adviser for 24 days because he told vice president and other people in the white house that his conversation with russia's ambassador didn't involve the question of sanctions but, of course, it did. he's raised all sorts of problems for them. he was only national security adviser for 24 days. he's still hanging around their neck almost 100 days into this administration. obviously something they would as soon not answer for. congress asking for documents we don't have. the pentagon gave the documents they have. we're not responsible for anything that happened before