mexico pay for it. >> a great line of the campaign. i have yet to have one person crossing america that's coming up to me and saying we must build that wall. >> especially since more mexicans -- >> border security is a completely different thing. americans want a secure border. how many people, you guys are traveling all around, we've traveled all around. >> i've never heard it. >> just last week i went to boston to see the red sox. we're all traveling around. >> discussion fenway park. >> got to have the wall. >> different wall. >> saying better build the wall. >> green monster. >> a lot of people accepted symbolic rhetoric, more border security and more aggressiveness, both controlling the border and dealing with criminals here illegally. >> my question, have you guys in all your travels go we have to build that wall. >> i met one kid who did. he was about 20. he was on a beach in florida and