hear the president and sean spicer and others talk about, is obviously the every time that they test a weapon in north korea that's one step closer they get potentially to being a direct threat to the united states, kersten. >> kris janning live from the white house thank you appreciate it. and i want to bring the panel steve clemmens msnbc contributor and nile stanek ij white house clom it hill frmts hue huest nbc political salem radio network thanks for being here. steve i want to start with you and set the scene here and the stakes. you have north korean officials essentially warning that we could see a nuclear war rebuking break out on the korean peninsula. what do you make of what you've seen from north korea in the past several day, how serious is the threat right nowen a the saber rattling. >> flamboyant bluster from the north korean leader is nothing new. that's part of the dance that we've gone through is north