a lot of people like that. >> i think it can be. there's a very high risk with that. but there's no doubt that he's broken up the dance that we've all been in with, i mean the united states, russia, china, syria, we've been in this dance for decades. he's going to change the dance steps. it's always awkward, it can have high risk. but in some areas, it may prove to be profitable and good. >> you use that analogy of a businessman. you think when a new boss comes into a company and people don't know what to expect and they may like you one day and not the next. what are we, day 85, 86, how long that can continue before you figure out the pattern, or maybe there won't be. >> you've really seen the rotating cast of musical chairs in the white house, who's up, who's down, people are following the palace intrigue with bated breath, is steve bannon going to survive, who is on top right now. but the underlying instability is dangerous for president trump