where immigrant families need allies. so may 1st is coming up, we'll see a lot of rallies around the country for that. i en courage people to come out and support them if that's where they're inclined. the immigrant community needs aallies right now. we're at a point right now where i feel very strongly around this issue. there are no sidelines. the positions are very stark. >> and it's stark and also very particular. we're not seei the deportation of irish immigrants. we just had a member of the irish parliament come here and stand on st. patrick's day and to see about the probably 50,000 or so undocumented irish citizens. we're not seeing european overstays -- these overstays being rounded up and sent back to denmark and to sweden and to britain. it's very specifically targeting latinos. >> and communities of color. >> muslims, exactly. it's black immigrants. >> are we failing somehow to maybe tell the stories of the