don't trust the freedom caucus to come up with anything that could get through the senate. work with democrats. that's what donald trump ought to do if he wants to get something done. >> why would democrats do that, bill? why would they do something that gives donald trump that win after eigh years of republicans making sure they didn't do anything that gave president obama a win? >> because they know that obama care is helping 24 million americans. 70 million americans are on medicaid. they know it's not a perfect plan, but it's done a lot of good. it can do even more good. it's just a matter of repair and fixing, with which they're ready to do. they would be willing to work with donald trump on that, on jobs, on an infrastructure, but i'm telling you, paul ryan is not going to deliver. donald trump trusted him once. he would be a fool to trust him again. >> we'll trust nancy pelosi to deliver on a replacement for obama care. that is not going to happen. >> it's more than paul ryan did. he can't deliver his caucus. >> the republicans control the house, the senate, and the white house, and they couldn't do the inning that they promised for