and all the above, it's quite the opposite. i also think it's time, and i know in the post goldwater era there's the unwritten rule in the psychiatric community that nobody diagnoses from afar, but i don't think he's a well guy period. >> when you start doing things, mark halperin, that are against your best interest. during the campaign he did all these horrible things, right? but you could say they are horrible things but there's going to be a segment of his base that will actually vote for him because he's talking about the birther stuff or he's talking about this or he's talking about that. >> the walls. >> the wall. in that respect he would do these things that were offensive to all of us but wouldn't say, this is actually like him hitting himself on the hand with hammer. what he is doing now is not in his self-interest. that's when you start saying wait a second, how well is he? if he's doing these things that