arrival. >> what will you do? >> as i said, we're committed to making certain that every american has access to affordable -- >> so you will continue to do the advertising? >> we're committed to making certain that -- >> you'll do advertising? >> i wouldn't commit to any specific entity. >> okay. >> well, the white house is turning its focus back to health care in a push led by chief strategist steve bannon. last night the president was very confident. >> i know that we're all going to make a deal on health care. that's such an easy one, so i have no doubt that that's going to happen very quickly. i think it will actually, i think it's going to happen, because we've all been promising, democrat, republican, we've all been promising that to the american people. so i think a lot of good things are going to happen there. >> karen tumulty is from "the water pos-- washington post" an jonathan. >> sean spicer today at the white house briefing was saying he was being facetious when he