because it is definitely more accessible and so much cheaper. very quickly, i lost everything. i was homeless, i chose to be homeless. >> i'm joined now by nbc news contributor dr. natal azar. they were thereecausehe president wants to focus this now. i have to start with, there's a new study out in the "journal of the american medical association" that says, heroin use appears to have become more socially acceptable among suburban and rural white individuals. i've done a lot of reporting on this. i've the spent a lot of time with people who say to me, using heroin among their friends is the way that you and i would get together and i would bring a bottle of wine. they would bring heroin. >> which is scary, because traditionally we don't think of it that way. wednesday of becoming addictive to prescriptive opioids and once they're addicted, they'll to go something cheaper or easier to get. >> what needs to happen to break