craft aca and it still isn't correct. there has to be a balance. >> she gets it. >> one thing i don't think has been sufficiently appreciate is that the democrats expended an enormous amount of political capital to pass obamacare. it took 13 months to craft the law. president obama talked about it incessantly and mocked by republicans for pounding away at it. democrats lost 63 seats in congress and six seats in the senate. i don't know if republicans were mentally prepared if they cared about it so much to expend that kind of political capital and to know, okay, precisely because they're doing something unprecedented and taking away an entitlement. we might lose the house and the senate for doing this. do they care that much? i'm not sure. >> it was a regulatory process, and i thought the graphic you put up the number of legislative days devoted to previous legislate, where your time is spent that's where your passion is. the problem for republicans the 17-day odyssey and a lot of