perceiving it from the outside, sources are telling me that the president and speaker ryan spoke today. the president assured the speaker his tweet was not about trying to criticizes ryan, was not leading people, the many viewers and followers of the president to somehow think he should say he was resign. mending fences, perhaps. the white house will only tell me the president likes that tv show and was trying to be supportive of the host. what do you make of that? people will read into it what they want. we'll try to measure that going forward when we see these two leaders again trying to work on the next project which they say will be tax reform. >> kelly, thank you so much. kelly o'donnell at the white house looking forward to what will be next as a result of what happened on friday. appreciate that. today freedom caucus chair mark meadows suggested he might do things differently on other issues in the future. >> no one has been more self-critiquing than me. i can tell you as i've looked at

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