might apply? >> i discussed this earlier. i'm not going to get into lessons learned while we're in the middle of debate of a current bill. we'll have plenty of time if if you want to stop by over the weekend, we can talk about, i'll be glad to sit down with you on that but again, we're not, right now we're focused on getting the votes. the house has a vote scheduled, that's what our focus is, not to figure out, we will avery plenty of time for that. >> reporter: is the president going to wash his hands of this today? >> you guys, look, we're not -- the president is going to wash his hands several times but i don't know -- [ laughter ] >> reporter: the central campaign promise to the president of the united states -- >> i understand that. i get it, so slow down, let's turn on c-span and all watch this together and discuss what happened. jen? >> reporter: treasury secretary mnuchin was talking this morning about doing tax reform by the august recess. >> um-hum. >> reporter: do you think that's a reasonable time line and why the rush? are there any lessons learned from this health care debate?