balances? check mate or checkered now? i talked to someone, a former intelligence official from the obama administration, they said, and this is with president trump, they said, you know, he does not look like an innocent man. all of this happening now, it just makes you wonder what is going on and why did this information have to come to the white house today to the president? >> ken, also, it fits such a pattern that april just said, because first of all, manafort was chair of the party and the convention. he was all over interview shows. now he doesn't know the guy. nunes doesn't know anybody. doesn't know who roger stone is. it's almost like the sergeant in "hogan's heroes." why are they hiding from these people -- even the president, we saw him in a clip a moment ago, he said paul manafort's denied any connection. like he's laying it off on him. not's not vouching for the guy. >> they completely hijacked the hearings and seems almost strategic in a way. this hearing was supposed to be about russia's meddling in the