what was done to the kgb when the fall of the soviet union happened and they had to dis-ban and reorganize now. they'd love to do the same thing to the cia. there's an interest they have in making -- the cia has a history that is not always glowing but isn't that part of what russia wants to destabilize it? >> of course. that was the point from the beginning. if we look at all of the reasons the russians are doing what they're doing, this isn't about donald trump in the end. this was about the russians. this was about destabilizing europe and nato and the intelligence community. this was about pushing back on the state department and they've been successful. bing, bang boom. again and again and this concept of transparency with wikileaks is laughable. every time it's been used, in fact, what we've seen is a destabilization effort. what i see every time i watch this now i see donald trump like a carnival barker.