so what is it going to be when he runs for re-election and unemployment is at 6% and it's the worst crime in 48 years. no, it's really the lowest crime rate in about 48 years. had a little uptick last year. but historically low. we can expect the crime rate will probably stay the same or go up. so then what does he say if it's the worst in 47 years now what does he say two years from now? same thing with illegal immigration. it's been going down for years now what is he going to say? he has created these ises where these crises don't exist. what happe when we have a slight return tonormalcy? suddenly, he looks terrible. >> it begs the question do you need the wall, exactly, mr. trump? mr. president since you came into office. incident to take credit for those going down? i'm sure he will at some point. also, president obama was known as the deporter in chief and deported more people than anybody.