investigation -- wait a minute. let's narrow this down. >> sure. >> you're saying if they wire -- if -- who? what active -- i'm talking about the schism question, did president obama order a wiretap on candidate trump? there's -- what active investigation would that be? would involve that? you mean if there's an active investigation as to what his role was with the russians, you mean? >> no. correct. i don't think there's any doubt the covert agents or department of justice could answer the question as to whether or not president obama ordered it. the question of whether there is a wiretap or was a wiretap, that's something that congress often asks and doesn't get answers. >> okay. here's a reaction, by the way, senator john mccain to the president's charge. >> i think that the president of the united states who has stated categorically that trump tower was wiretapped, that he should come forward with the information that led him to that conclusion. it's a very serious charge against the previous president of the united states. >> well senator mccain, i think, is from the sane era of politics.