speech on tuesday at the capitol. he really energized republicans, put the democrats on the defensive, and then this sessions story blows up and he's the guy back on the defensive. so it seems like he wanted to distract from the sessions controversy but at the same time he brings us right back to it. so this might be politically at least shooting himself in the foot, and also as haiti mentioned, he's comparing this to watergate. well, not quite. nobody's breaking into the trump tower and wiretapping it. if obama, as trump says, went through a fisa court, this of course was created by the republicans anz an a anti-terror measure post 9/11 and you have to have probable cause. it's not like it's a politically motivated group. if all those things do come out, then, again, trump might be shooting himself in the foot as he's trying to distract from the sessions controversy. we're all in a wait and see moment, specifically for the substance of what he's saying but i haven't heard any