jared kushner and michael flynn. do you think that's a recognition that they have to get out ahead of some of this stuff? >> i think they have to realize that they have to appreciate that the reaction to everything, instead of taking some pro-action is going to hurt them in the long run. they're not acting like people are trying to get the truth out. they're not trying to open the doors and get the answers. they are always having answers that half explain or fail to explain the charges that are suggested by what's going on. the jeff sessions interview today, or his press conference. as chris matthews raised, it made no sense for him not to know what was going on in the headlines of all the major papers but yet he's saying he's having this meeting with the russians unaware of the charges that involve the russians hack ing hillary's campaign. so it's very confusing they're going out and making statements. that's the worst thing they could do if they're going to

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