allocate it. once every two weeks. that's when you look at bills and pay with what's in your operating expense envelope. here's the deal. if you can't pay those bills, you can't afford those bills you have to find a way to cut expenses and increase margins. >> mike, love seeing you all the time. thank you so much. the first impression is everything. especially when it comes to making a sale. this week, ysf magazine gives us five things to keep in mind when designing the packages for your product. one, appeal to your target audience. understand the kind of graphics and colors that are going to attract them the most. >> two, stand out and this doesn't mean that louder and brighter is always the better. be thoughtful about ways you can make your branding different from other products out thereto. >> three, details are everything. pay attention to mall things like how you're package feels or the unboxes experiences these