see how streamlined i should say the messaging is from the white house, members of congress, to the cabinet. they have learned lessons from last time around, we'll see what the implementation is like. >> chris, that's a question i've had watching this administration over the first month. how much is the chaos by design? and what i mean is take a look at this question of the immigration, the immigration ban from the executive order. in the campaign, donald trump said i'm going to ban every muslim in the world from coming in the united states. and among other criticisms of that, you heard from his critics, folks in the media saying wait until he becomes president and supporters find out how unworkable that is. but given the chaos that was stirred up by that initial executive order, all the seas of people in the street over that weekend, did that perhaps convey the message, that chaos to his supporters that hey, he is delivering onthis. >> i think that's the fundamental question, steve, is he playing eight dimensional chess or just sort of looking at