this is not who we are as a country, katy. we can do much better and we are much better than this. >> this new push not only involves hiring more i.c.e. agents but empowering local law agents, 7,000 cops around this country, to help ithe deportation effort. what does that mean? >> you know, i was listening on your air to bill bratton out of boston. talk to the people who know about law enforcement. they don't like it. they don't like local law enforcement having to become immigration collaborators and agents. the reason is simple. the reason is because local law enforcement depends on community trust. let me give you an example. so, if you have a woman who's undocumented, who's beaten by her husband, and she is afraid to call the police because she's afraid that she's going to be deported, that puts her in an untenable position of enduring the beating because she's afraid if she turns in her husband, if she goes to a shelter and she