went to market with these plans because he wanted people to be on the same page. i think this administration will have to work a little bit harder to get more people on the same page when they roll these -- with the executive order, you're showing what the president thinks on a particular order and he's trying to roll back regulation, trying to keep a campaign promise that he met. but in each case, really helps for an administration to be prepared for the possible pushback and to have agencies and others on your side. >> also, i want to bring it back up to today as we're looking at, you know, various executive orders. to what the president said in an interview, just aired on fox news, it was filmed on friday, but just seeing some of it. and this answer, listen to this, was some detail on his immigration policies with mexico. and we'll play that. >> we have to do something about the cartels. i did talk to him about it. i want to help him with it. i think he's a good man.