binding, a book binding company. that's where he landed. comparison to his old life was a shock at first. >> it was so much fun. i have access to this. there was never a question, it's fun all the time. then it's like, well, this sucks. this is not fun. you know what i mean? >> not only that, now, instead of working alone, chris was knee-deep in a family business and we all know what that can mean. >> i'm not going to candy coat this. we have had hea lashs fights. the doors don't have doors on them. we had epic blow ups. >> we are not a lot alike. it's rough. he doesn't listen to me a lot. >> it wasn't working. chris needed an out. he found it in the form of machinery sitting idle in the factory. it gave him an idea. >> it's time to take it from a business-to-business entity and create something that has our