>> well, you know, it's troubling and dang trous have a justice department to one that protect civil rights and one that cuts voting rits. we look to the justice department as an ally and now it would be an adversary. what we see in this trumpian move is this constant playing of racial politics. started with birtherism. talked about banning muslims and voter fraud and coded language. where the voting fraud is. this is a dangerous time. added to that, all of the attacks on voting rights which is why our people are marching this coming saturday in raleigh for the march of resistance in raleigh challenging all of these things together. gerrymanderi gerrymandering, muslim ban, the building of the walls. we have to be vigilant. this is a dangerous time for voting rights, civil rights.

Related Keywords

Department Responsible For Supervising Voting Rights Litigation ,Department Of Justice ,Rights ,Voting Rits ,Dang Trous ,One ,Department ,Politics ,Trumpian ,Muslims ,Move ,Playing ,Adversary ,Rally ,Birtherism ,People ,Wall ,Voting Rights ,Attacks ,Language ,Voting Fraud ,Voter Fraud ,Raleigh ,Things ,Resistance ,Travel Ban ,Walls ,Civil Rights ,Building ,Gerrymanderi Gerrymandering ,

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