i can't financially support you. all i can do is love you and be your friend and be there for you." i mean, i got tears coming down my eyes because i know what's getting ready to happen. and bobby asked me, he says, "i love you and i've never loved a woman as much as i love you. and will you be my wife?" i mean, i'm crying, oh, yes! and i threw my arms around him, and that was it. >> angel quit her bartending job, packed up her teenage son and her life in illinois and moved to a small town in alabama where she would only be an hour's drive from the prison. she got a job as a bartender and built her life around visits to gilbert. >> you've got to be strong for it because it's not all fun and games. our visits, we laugh and just enjoy each other's time. but when they say visits are now over, you're leaving someone