this is the downside of prison, you know what i mean? violence happens, you know? what do you expect? you throw a bunch of violent offenders together and you expect us not to clash? at the end of the day, you better pray you're the one left standing and not hurting. >> as authorities continue to investigate the stolen tv, wright has petitioned to be placed back into his original housing unit. >> at this point, i don't know what's going to be allowed to happen with wright, i don't know if he'll be allowed to return to p-house because of all the animosity he caused himself that night because of his tv, so i'm sure we'll be evaluating his housing assignment. >> while authorities determine a safe housing placement for wright, he will remain in confinement. >> on i don't like it, but i'm adapting. i got to make it work, you know what i mean? these people place you in all kinds of situations to try to break you, but i'm surviving. that's what i'm doing, man. i've got too much time to start crumbling now. >> gerald ritchie is also in one of the confinement units, and he's not happy about it.