of the job, there are plenty of others eager to replace them. >> i get about 70 to 80 work requests, i want to work in the laundry, a week. of course, we're only authorized 18, so. it's a highly coveted job and position here at santa rosa. they're not getting paid. they get game time for their pay, but they like working here. it's a good atmosphere, a good environment. we attempt to recycle 100% of everything we have. if the uniform goes bad, we'll make belts out of it, we'll make whatever is required. >> inmate johnny brewster, serving three years for cocaine possession, lends his formidable sewing skills to the prison's recycling efforts. >> sometimes i get teased about it by these guys here. >> right now, i'm making belts from pant leg material. as you see, we start off by joining the two pieces. usually i make one large spool approximately 35 foot every two to three days. i'm making approximately 10 to 12 belts a day. i learned to sew approximately 20 years ago from my mother. she asked me one day if i want to learn to sew. i said, i don't know, boys aren't supposed to sew. girls are supposed to sew. she said, don't give me that nonsense and sat me down on the sewing machine and started teaching me everything she pretty much knew. i'm doing pretty much what i like to do. keeps me out of trouble, and i try not to ever, you know, take that for granted. because after all, this is prison, i mean. >> brewster lives in "a" dorm, an open population unit that gives him more movement than many other santa rosa inmates and a small corner of the prison to call home. >> this is it, right here, this little area you see, which is basically probably a little