and i think they're going to pay a big price. we had another one yesterday, which was interesting, in the oval office, there's a beautiful statue of dr. martin luther king. and i also happen to like churchill, winston churchill. i think most of us like churchill. doesn't come from our country, but had a lot to do with it. helped us, real ally. and as you know, churchill statue was taken out, the bust. and, as you also probably have read, the prime minister is coming over to our country very shortly and they wanted to know whether or not i would like it back. i said, absolutely, but in the meantime, we have a bust of churchill. so a reporter for "time" magazine, and i have been on their cover like 14 or 15 times. i think we have the all-time record in the history of "time" magazine, like if tom brady's on the cover, it's one time because he won the super bowl or something. i've been on it for 15 times