republican platform around not providing lethal military aid to the ukrainians who were fighting against putin's militias in eastern ukraine. and it was a wake-up call for a lot of us. well, wait, who was paying close enough attention to get that in there when all the basic stuff absolutely fell by the wayside? it was very -- it was a parallel moment, i think it was forshadowing for now. >> there's definitely -- we got some stories, no definitive reporting about the role that manafort plays at the rnc. there is a story to be told about what happened today and there will be lots of stories to be told from this day forward about who is wielded what influence and how, inside the administration that is held by a man who for the first time in the 240 years of this republic has never, ever served in any public service or military capacity. >> yeah. he'll swoop in and take advantage of that. >> in the meantime i feel duty bound to mention tractors.