regulatory overreach. >> all right, doctor to doctor, to congressman tom price for secretary of hhs, going to vote yes? >> yeah, he did a good job today, and he's also through the years been one of the leaders, intellectual leaders in promoting free market ideas and ways to expand insurance that would actually lower the cost and not raise the cost of insurance. >> a doctor -- and were enough doctors -- i never thought enough patients were spoken to when obamacare was first proposed. >> right. >> how about doctors? >> i think doctors do have a firsthand experience. one of the things he said in the hearing today i thought was very telling, he said as he watched his practice over the years, saw more and more people working in the business office and less and less people taking care of the patients that the dollars and employee money was going toward billing and all this other compliance stuff but there was less nurses and less assistants dealing with patients, that that was a real problem for him. i also think, you know, i worked at one of the hospitals he worked at, grady hospital in atlanta, a lot of poverty care

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Rand Paul ,Job ,Doctor ,Tom Price ,Leaders ,Congressman ,Secretary ,Free Market Ideas ,Hhs ,Right ,Overreach ,One ,Doctors ,Obamacare ,Dont Have Insurance ,Experience ,Cost ,Patients ,Ways ,People ,Things ,Hearing ,Care ,More ,Practice ,Business Office ,Dollars ,Lot ,Money ,Problem ,Hospitals ,Stuff ,Poverty Care ,Compliance ,Billing ,Assistants ,Employee ,Nurses ,Grady Hospital In Atlanta ,

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